PeopleSoft is More than ALIVE

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On Thursday, March 28that 2:00 p.m. ET, Lisa Riley, who is the Tech Lead at Domino’s, and I will co-present an online seminar on facts about PeopleSoft. Lisa will present information on how PeopleSoft’s flexibility was able to meet Domino’s needs. Our joint objective is to provide quantifiable data on why PeopleSoft is a great system.As of January 2019, around 5,000 organizations use PeopleSoft (PS)! That is a big number. When you think about how many different PS applications are helping organizations run their businesses, the number becomes much larger.
Have you seen the current PS User Interface? It’s called Fluid. I believe if you compare it and the other leading systems that provide similar functionality, you’ll find that the majority of people will say they’re very similar. Sierra-Cedar’s HR Systems Survey data showed that users rank Fluid as a top user interface.
How many systems have a written promise that it will be supported through 2030? That is a long time to put in writing that the system you’re using will be supported. This is a satisfier to organizations.
If a system doesn’t change and improve, its future is bleak. That bleakness sure doesn’t apply to PS. If you look at the track record of PS innovation, you’ll find over 2,000 new features have been released over the last few years. This amounts to essentially one new feature being added every day to a system that already had tremendous functionality, depth, and breadth. Do you know how many separate SKUs PS supports? The answer is 174 as of January 2019! Wow!
I’ve heard there are still some naysayers who believe it takes many months to complete a PS update. Do you know that PS now has four updates a year? Did you know that PeopleSoft is so flexible with its updates that you can accept all the new functions each quarter or just accept one single function that you’re interested in and delay any other update for as long as you’d like to? An organization can apply its updates on its own schedule.
Did you know that PS licenses include PeopleSoft Testing Framework (PTF) which supports sophisticated testing scripts? PTF automates testing and the identification of anomalies, which decreases the overall duration of testing. Note, this is not an SKU you can purchase, it’s included in PS licensing.
On March 28th, Lisa and I will present hard data about how PeopleSoft meets the needs of organizations and how the flexibility and power of PeopleSoft supports a set of unique functions for Domino’s. Sierra-Cedar will present two more seminars on related topics in the months ahead. The next seminar will present information about moving your PeopleSoft system from on premise to off premise. The fourth online seminar will provide information on the value of an integration strategy. And FYI, over 1,600 respondents to the Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey[i] said that executing on their integration strategies produces measurable results.

[i]URL to download the complete HR Systems Survey report: