
COVID-19 and Grading Basis Changes

COVID-19 and Grading Basis Changes

The COVID-19 virus has created a lot of challenges for higher education institutions. A front runner is grading and graduation, particularly with the inclusion of Pass/Fail and Credit/No-Credit grading options. The impact of these changes to the norm is deep and...

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Oracle Integration Cloud Bootcamp

Oracle Integration Cloud Bootcamp

Sierra-Cedar recently participated in Oracle’s hands-on multi-day bootcamp led by Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) specialists. The bootcamp focused on the OIC application, which brings together Application Integration, Process Automation, and Visual Builder. Oracle has...

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Machine Learning in the Oracle Analytics Cloud

Machine Learning in the Oracle Analytics Cloud

Data Science Capabilities at Your Fingertips Most analytics tools are only capable of reporting on past events and showing trends. While helpful, it’s not actionable. Historically, predictive analytics required the specialized skills of data scientists and advanced...

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PeopleSoft is More than ALIVE

PeopleSoft is More than ALIVE

Quick—the first three emails I receive at with the correct answer to the question on the right will receive a Starbucks gift card! On Thursday, March 28that 2:00 p.m. ET, Lisa Riley, who is the Tech Lead at Domino’s, and I will...

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Using PTF Results for PUM

Using PTF Results for PUM

When faced with the decision whether to implement the next PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Image, an organization must consider the amount of testing that will have to take place before the updated features are rolled out. Before PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF), this...

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New HCM features in Image 28

New HCM features in Image 28

HCM Image 28 has many new features, and while some may not apply to your organization, you’ll likely be pleased by the ones that help you improve processes, simplify, and perhaps, allow you to retire a customization that now is met by out-of-the-box functionality....

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Lease Management Updates in PeopleSoft

Lease Management Updates in PeopleSoft

The new FASB ASC Accounting Standards Update 842 has raised a few concerns and created a little confusion on exactly how to best implement it and remain in compliance. To meet the new requirements, Oracle PeopleSoft delivered the Lease Administration Phase 4 updates...

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PUM & PTF Go Together Like "Copy & Paste"

PUM & PTF Go Together Like "Copy & Paste"

When I’ve asked for a show of hands for who uses PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM), I usually see a majority of hands raised. The most recent update from Oracle shows that roughly 72% of all PeopleSoft customers are on release 9.2, and most have used PUM. Customers whom...

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